The percentage shown above indicates the approximate water storage remaining in Chapman Lake.

The water storage calculation is based on 100% which indicates that the lake is full and at the same level as the top of the dam.

Stage 4 water conservation regulations are called based on environmental conditions, infrastructure requirements, time of year and water storage volumes.

Stage 4 may be called prior to or near the 0% mark. Water released after 0% is via siphons.

This graphic is updated every week during Stage 2 and Stage 3 Water Conservation Regulations.

DateChapman Lake Storage *Rain **
Week of July 7100%0mm
Week of July 1499%0mm
Week of July 2193%0mm
Week of July 2880%35.7mm
Week of August 481%0mm
Week of August 1168%2.1mm
Week of August 1855%64.4mm
Week of August 2575%38.8mm

*Chapman Lake Storage is based on accessible lake level volume without use of siphons
**Precipitation data is collected from a sensor at Chapman Lake dam and is tallied weekly

Tips for being water efficient inside and outside your home.

Plant native plant species that will not require regular watering.

Quick guide to drought resources for farms from the BC Government.

What is the SCRD doing about water?

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Water Services

Phone: 604-885-6806


Emergency Water/Wastewater Answering Service: 1-866-291-4645