Temporary Closure at the Sechelt Aquatic Centre

Tags:  2023 | News Release
Date Released: March 29, 2023

Due to an issue with the sprinkler system, the pools and hot tub at the Sechelt Aquatic Centre are closed at this time.

This morning, a sprinkler head broke at the facility, causing build up in the sprinkler system to flow out over the hot tub area. No one was using the hot tub at the time this occurred. A news release was issued about corrosion in the sprinkler system when it initially came to staff attention in late 2021.

Since the issue with corrosion was identified, a temporary heat detection system was installed at the facility. A budget for the replacement of the sprinkler system has been approved by the SCRD Board and staff are currently in the process of securing a contractor to complete this work. Staff will continue to monitor the sprinkler system at this time.

The two pools at the Sechelt Aquatic Centre may potentially reopen later today. The hot tub is anticipated to be out of use for the coming days. Residents are asked to stay tuned to the SCRD on Facebook and to www.scrd.ca for updates.

Updates on all of the above will be provided when available. The SCRD is very appreciative of the understanding of patrons who had to leave the pool area when the issue occurred.