Green Waste Regulation Changes
The Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) has changed how yard and waste loads are being handled at green waste depots. Changes have been made to clarify which yard and garden waste loads are free and which will be charged a tipping fee of $86 per tonne.
The changes
There is no longer a distinction between commercial and residential, only the volume of the material or weight will be used to determine what is accepted at certain sites. This means small scale green waste businesses can use the South Coast Green Waste site on Henry Road on behalf of residents. Larger scale operations will still need to go to Salish Soils in Sechelt.
The changes can be summarized as:
At the South Coast Green Waste site, the maximum load accepted is four cubic meters in volume. This is approximately what fits in the back of a standard eight foot pickup truck bed. For larger loads the closest facility would be Salish Soils in Sechelt.
At the Pender Harbour Transfer Station, loads that weigh more than 0.5 tonnes will be charged $86 per tonne and subject to the $5 minimum. If less than 0.5 tonnes in weight, there is no charge.
If you are a resident that contracts out yard waste services, your contractor may use the south coast site to drop off the materials, if they are under the 4 cubic meter limit for all materials in their load. It is up to the resident to verify the appropriate charges with their contractor.
Please check the website before you plan to drop off at