Check Out Concepts for Coopers Green Park

Tags:  2025 | News Release
Date Released: January 30, 2025

Concepts for Coopers Green Park are available online for your input and comments.  

The three concepts were presented in-person to the community on Wednesday evening during an open house at the Seaside Centre in Sechelt. At the event, 60 community members provided their input to SCRD staff, Directors and the landscape architect for the project.  

Three distinct concept strategies have been developed which can be achieved within the allocated budget for this project. Each offers a unique approach to park enhancements and present a different vision for Coopers Green Park, with varying levels of development and amenities. 

You can provide your input until February 20 by clicking here.  

Out of Scope 

A reminder that two features of the park are not in scope of this project. These include the boat ramp and the hall. A separate planning project is set to get underway for the boat ramp and the SCRD is currently in discussions with a third party to take on the operations of the hall.  

You can stay up to date on this project at