Construction and Recycling

When you deconstruct a building there is the opportunity to salvage valuable resources like lumber or fixtures. However, when you demolish a building you end up with a mix of materials that might have been recyclable, but no longer can be diverted from waste.

Material from the construction, demolition and renovation of buildings does not have to all end up going to the landfill. Taking some time to research before starting on your project to determine what is feasible within your budget.

The Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) has strict procedures when dealing with drywall disposal at our landfill.


Check out these resources to plan for your next residential or commercial construction project. This list is not complete and the SCRD appreciates any suggestions for additions to this page:

Visit the Sunshine Coast Builder’s Association for more information about local businesses that you can contact to help plan your next project.

Metro Vancouver’s deconstruction and demolition toolkit has information about different materials that could be reusable and a list of service providers that can assist with deconstruction or have options for disposal.

One way to reduce waste is save homes from being demolished by moving them.

shíshálh Nation: 10 Units | Renewal Development

Look online for companies that offer “deconstruction” as opposed to demoliton.

This way resources are removed from homes so they can be used in other construction projects. Valuable timber and metal piping can likely be reused and holds a lot of value.